Who We Are
We have been fundraising since 1995, mainly in support of Loma Linda Children’s Hospital, Unit 4800 Oncology but we are here to assist any family with children / young adults that has special needs or is battling a serious medical condition.
Our Vision
Create a world where we can support as many families that have children/young adults with special needs or that are battling a serious medical condition in times of need.
2021 Year in Review
Considering we were still dealing with a pandemic, 2021 was a good year overall for our organization. With the assistance from our community, we were

All About Us
Here’s a little video of our organization & what we do ~ Please watch and enjoy! “We do not own the rights to these songs,

2020 Christmas Wish Toy Distribution
Although 2020 was a crazy year, we were still able to grant 150 wish gifts to 36 families this year. We are so grateful to